Case Study: Use of the NanoPhix Compression Screw for an Avulsion Fracture to the Fourth Distal Phalanx – Dane N. Daley, MD


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Case Study: Use of the NanoPhix Compression Screw for an Avulsion Fracture to the Fourth Distal Phalanx – Dane N. Daley, MD (SPF70-29-B)Case StudyEnglish ENMay 7, 2024May 7, 2024

Dane N. Daley, MD – Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC. Dr. Dane Daley, a graduate of East Tennessee State University College of Medicine, completed a hand fellowship while at OrthoCarolina. He specializes in orthopedic and hand surgery. Case Presentation: The patient is a 42-year-old, right-hand dominant male who presented with a left ring finger injury following a forceful pulling injury on a tree branch. Denies previous injuries or surgeries to the left ring finger. On presentation, the left ring finger distal interphalangeal joint is swollen, resting in a hyperextended posture with extensive ecchymosis about the finger Preoperative radiographs demonstrate a displaced left ring finger distal phalanx intra-articular volar fracture consistent with a Jersey finger.